Hi, My Name is Jyotika Sofia.
I’m a Marketing Producer from Sweden.
My name is Sofia. I am a Professional Visual Marketing Producer and Activation Manager with over 6 years within the entertainment industry.
I’m a crazy bunny lady who speaks fluent Adobe.
I developed an interest in art and design from an early age and started my career in 2014.

Design has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I love the creative process and visualizing your unique and important story.
I have a career path that is quite unique and varied, and it really suits my specialization and interests.
About Me

My name is Sofia. I am a Professional Visual Marketing Producer and Activation Manager with over 6 years within the entertainment industry.
I’m a crazy bunny lady who speaks fluent Adobe.
I developed an interest in art and design from an early age and started my career in 2014.

Design has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I love the creative process and visualizing your unique and important story.
I have a career path that is quite unique and varied, and it really suits my specialization and interests. Take a look at my journey: